Creating smooth stone in Minecraft : A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating smooth stone in Minecraft

Follow this step-by-step guide to make smooth stone:

Step 1: Gather Materials
You'll need the following materials:

  • Cobblestone
  • Furnace
  • Fuel (e.g., coal, wood, or wooden planks)

Step 2: Mine Cobblestone
Use a pickaxe to mine cobblestone. You can find cobblestone by breaking stone blocks with a pickaxe. Cobblestone is a common material found underground or on the surface.

Step 3: Craft a Furnace
Open your crafting table interface and arrange eight cobblestones in a square, leaving the center and corners empty. This crafts a furnace. Place the furnace in your hot bar.

Step 4: Place the Furnace
Select the furnace from your hot bar and place it in the world where you want to use it. Right-click (or the equivalent action on your platform) to place the furnace.

Step 5: Add Fuel to the Furnace
Open the furnace interface by right-clicking on it. Place a fuel source (coal, wood, or wooden planks) in the bottom slot of the furnace.

Step 6: Add Cobblestone to Smelt
In the top slot of the furnace, place the cobblestones you want to turn into smooth stone. Each piece of fuel can smelt multiple cobblestones, so you can add more than one if you have them.

Step 7: Retrieve Smooth Stone
Once the furnace processes the cobblestone with the fuel, it will produce smooth stone. You will see the smooth stone appear in the result slot of the furnace interface.

Step 8: Collect the Smooth Stone
Drag the smooth stone from the furnace interface to your inventory. Now you have successfully crafted smooth stone in Minecraft!


  • Make sure you have a pickaxe to mine cobblestone and gather resources efficiently.
  • The type of fuel you use affects how long the furnace will operate. For example, coal lasts longer than wooden planks.

Now you can use smooth stone for various construction projects or crafting recipes in Minecraft. Enjoy building! 

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